FIRST Lego League

FIRST Lego League (FLL), years 1 through 3

The FIRST Lego League (FLL®) is a competition that challenges youth between the ages of 9 and 15 to explore the social role of engineering and technology through various assignments. The assignments are hung on a theme each year and defined in the annually changing "Challenge. Students work in teams of up to 10 participants to complete the assignments to the best of their ability and show the results during regional and national finals. The assignments are:

Design, build and program a robot.

The FLL is about both the robot, and the "project" (the challenge). So you have the robot competitions and the project where the students come up with a solution to a global social issue. We have always had 3 FLL teams at our school in recent years.

The core values are the cornerstones of the FLL program. They are among the fundamental elements that distinguish the FLL from other programs of its kind. By embracing the core values, participants learn that friendly competition and mutual benefit are not isolated goals, and that helping another is the basis of teamwork.

  • We are a team;
  • With the help of our coaches and mentors, we do the work to find solutions;
  • We are aware that our coaches and mentors do not know everything. We learn together;
  • We respect the principle of friendly competition;
  • What we discover is more important than what we gain;
  • We share our experiences with others;
  • We show Gracious Professionalism™ (sportsmanship) in everything we do;
  • We're having fun!

For 9 years, a number of first and second graders from the LCL have participated in the FIRST Lego League and our students have won quite a few cups.