Information for new parents

Of course, as a parent, you want your son or daughter to make the right choice for high school. On this website you can find all the information that can help you guide your son or daughter in making the choice for a high school.

Under the heading 'Education' in the main menu at the top of this website, you will find all the information about how we organize our education and what other extra curricular activities are organized.

Getting acquainted
Under the heading 'Come and get acquainted at the LCL' you will find all the information about the possibilities of taking a look around our premises.

Important information

Furthermore, on this website you will find information about applying to our school. Due to the number of students in havo 2, vwo 2, vwo 3, vwo 4 and vwo 5 it is not possible to enroll students for these departments yet. In the new school year there might be possibilities again. Please contact us in due course. It is not possible to enroll in our GymnasiumPlus classes. Registration for vo-vo takes place in the second half of May. 

Working with laptops

Starting with the 2023-2024 school year, our bridge students will use laptops in the classroom. In this way, in our lessons we can more easily use the technological developments that are currently available to provide appropriate and challenging education. Through the laptop it is possible within the teaching methods to provide more customization, we can better connect to current events and tap into a diversity of resources that enrich and support the lessons. Moreover, students will have a better connection to subsequent education if they learn to use the laptop to their own advantage. 

Contact with school

Do you have questions about teaching in the bridge class? If so, please contact Mrs. B. (Boyca) van den Broek (bridge class coordinator) at You can also use the contact form on this website.

Useful websites and apps

Address Function School website Webmail
Magister First time logging in Magister Schedules students and teachers


Zermelo App/Portal

Portal to view rosters online

Magister App for students and parents

Magister App


For the subject of music

Newspaper Bank

For Dutch-language and international resources