
At our school, we think it is important that you receive good guidance. Especially during your first year, because the step from elementary school to high school can be very exciting. You will of course be assigned a mentor every year and in the first year two mini-mentors (students from the upper grades of our school). You get to know the mentor and your classmates really well during induction days.

Vision of support

We find it important that as a student at the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum you can develop to your full potential and learn to take responsibility for yourself. To this end, you will receive good personal guidance from the bridge class to the final examination year. Our teachers, mentors and year group coordinators are closely involved with you.
If it appears that you need extra guidance with planning, learning (executive skills) or anything else, you can receive remedial teaching or guidance from a student counselor. Our school also offers professional guidance in cases of, for example, fear of failure, dyslexia, giftedness, ASD, AD(H)D or any personal problems. Together with you, the student counselor examines what works best for you and helps you find your own way in school.


Homework class havo and two-year havo/vwo class

In grades 1 and 2 of havo and havo/vwo, students can take advantage of the homework class free of charge, where they can work under supervision and be helped to plan their schoolwork.

Remedial Teaching (RT).

In the first weeks of the bridge class, all students receive screening in the areas of math and language. Based on the results of these tests, a recommendation for further guidance may follow. Students who have already presented a dyslexia statement at registration will be offered RT during the first year. 

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Support for dyslexia

Dyslexic students in the higher grades are assigned a dyslexia coach to whom they can turn when they experience learning difficulties related to their dyslexia. Through that coach, it can also be arranged for the dyslexic student to use auditory support (Kurzweil) on tests. 


We offer additional challenge and guidance for high-intelligent students in both the lower and upper grades. In the coming school year, GymnasiumPlus will start, a class for highly intelligent and gifted students. The regular curriculum for these students will be compacted, creating time for project learning, programming and philosophy. The teachers of this class have an affinity for teaching gifted students.

Higher apprenticeships

Of course, guidance is also continued in the upper years by mentors who speak to the students regularly, monitor their results and contact parents if necessary. In addition, for all years it is possible to receive tutoring in any subject by a student from the upper school. These students are very good at the subject in question and enjoy explaining it to other students and helping them with it. Application for this can be made through the library. The costs/earnings are € 6 per hour.

Parent involvement

In many ways we try to involve parents in their children's school career. Besides the fact that parents can always contact the mentors/teachers about their child, we mention some organized activities.

  • In the first weeks of the school year, the school organizes an information evening for each grade at which information is given about direction, profile, career and study choices or other information relevant to the school year in question.
  • An information evening will be organized for the exam classes 5 havo and 6 vwo to go over the final exam year.
  • Students receive reports twice a year.
  • After the first report, a parent meeting takes place where parents and students are given the opportunity to speak with the subject teachers and the mentor. These short talks are in many cases sufficient to exchange views with the teacher or solve simple problems. It is usually not possible to really go into things in depth. Of course, the small talk at the parents' evening can at least have the character of an introductory conversation, which makes it easier to make an appointment for a longer talk.
  • After the second period, students receive advice from their teachers in Magister. Students incorporate these advices into a personal action plan.
  • During the parent meeting in April, students and their parents can discuss this action plan with the mentor.


School and staff contact information can be found on the school's intranet. You can always reach our teachers through their email address:

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Pupil Supervisors

The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum employs a team of in-house psychologists and remedial educationalists. Members of this team can assist students with problems in executive functions or in the area of social-emotional well-being. In principle, these problems are directly or indirectly related to school and are often diverse in nature. The guidance is always temporary. If long-term or more specialized help is desirable, an external expert is sought in consultation with the parents.

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Fear of failure

For students with anxiety of failure, the school employs certified anxiety reduction trainers who, in small groups, offer students tools to deal with stress. Registration is usually at the student's own request and in consultation with or on the recommendation of the mentor or year group coordinator. Help for coping with moments of stress is available for all year layers. For final exam candidates there is a separate training "coping with exam stress".

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Bullying and the consequences it can have are explicitly addressed in undergraduate mentoring classes. Guest lessons are also regularly organized. The school feels responsible for anti-bullying policy and makes every effort to prevent this problem by being attentive to bullying behavior and taking appropriate action when it is identified. Cooperation with the parents will often be necessary, both in terms of signaling and dealing with it.

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Our school counselor helps you with your orientation on study and profession. This orientation begins in class 3 and enables you to make a responsible choice: both for the profile and the subsequent course. Students are also helped in this process by third grade teachers; they provide the most well-founded assessment possible of the student's abilities and attitude to work. There is also a lot of material and knowledge available to support students regarding study choices and different learning paths.

Care team

Students who need long-term guidance are discussed in the internal care team. In addition to the internal care team, the school also has a Care Advisory Team. This includes the conrector guidance, the support coordinator, school social work, the Public Health Service and the obligatory education officer. Upon request, year group coordinators or student supervisors may also participate in the consultation. In these consultations, students are discussed for whom the school needs to call on the expertise of external organizations. The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum is a member of the Regional Collaborative Association Eindhoven and Kempenland. When there is a problematic home situation, the school can also refer to the school social work. If necessary, we work according to the reporting code. For this we are connected to the signaling systems Zorg voor Jeugd and Veilig Thuis. For students who need extra support for a longer period of time, an individual action plan is made. At registration it must be seen what the school can offer and what is in the interest of the student.

Notice to parents

General announcements are sent by email to parents. Much information is published on the school website and via the intranet ''. Confidential notices are sent by mail. A monthly newsletter is published for parents and students with information from school. Changes in address and email address should be communicated via email to

For more information:
For more specific information about our student counseling:
Rector, Ms. C. (Christel) Schoeren,, 040 - 29 09 420

For more specific information about our deanery:
Ms. M. (Minke) van Alink and Ms. I. (Inge) van Bommel,, 040 - 29 09 420