Lorentz Casimir Lyceum: this website is automatically translated by Weglot

Nice to see you!


Our school

Our school is an urban school and yet is in the middle of greenery. There is plenty of room to play sports, relax and be yourself. We do not only train you for a havo, atheneum or gymnasium diploma, but we also help you develop those talents you need now and later in society and further education. The school is in the middle of the Brainport region, where much is happening in the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship, technology and sustainability. This is what we, as a Brainport school, respond to.   

New construction

As of August 2024, we will have a fantastic new school building. If you want more information and follow the construction live, click the button below. 

Our school

Our school is an urban school and yet is in the middle of greenery. There is plenty of room to play sports, relax and be yourself. We do not only train you for a havo, atheneum or gymnasium diploma, but we also help you develop those talents you need now and later in society and further education. The school is in the middle of the Brainport region, where much is happening in the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship, technology and sustainability. This is what we, as a Brainport school, respond to.   

New construction

As of August 2024, we will have a fantastic new school building. If you want more information and follow the construction live, click the button below. 

Latest news Instagram

Day 2 of the first test week! ✏️

For some, test week began last Friday, but for the rest, most tests are still ahead. Stay sharp, stay chill and don't forget to refuel from time to time. Good luck in the coming days-you can do this! 🍀💡

#LorentzCasimirLyceum #voortgezetonderwijs #havo #atheneum #gymnasium #gymnasiumplus #firsttestweek #success

Sign up now for LCL Experience! 🌟

Are you in grade 7 or 8 and curious about our bridge class? Then come to LCL Experience on September 30! During this day you will discover the subjects and classes of the bridge class as well as other years. A fun and educational way to check if our school is for you! 🎒

Sign up quickly before September 25 via the link in the bio and find out if LCL is your perfect match! 💡

#LorentzCasimirLyceum #continuingeducation #havo #atheneum #gymnasium #gymnasiumplus #LCLExperience #bridge class

Summer vacation has begun! 🌞👋

Enjoy the sun, adventure and relaxation. We look forward to seeing you back on Wednesday, August 21, fully recharged for the new school year. ⛱😎

#LorentzCasimirLyceum #voortgezetonderwijs #havo #atheneum #gymnasium #gymnasiumplus #summer vacation

Are you also so curious about what the new school building of the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum will look like? Then we have good news! Because on June 8 it is Construction Day. And from 10 am to 2 pm the construction site will be open for anyone who likes to come and take a look. Will you come too?
Friday morning, April 12, our students received a guest lesson from Professor Anne L'Huillier. The lesson took place in the science truck of the University of Groningen, which has already...
The AI final nights are over. How radiant all the participating students were on stage, and how incredibly hard the students who helped behind the scenes...
Did you know that from school year 2024/2025 we will start a gymnasiumPlus bridge class. We will then have as many as 5 types of bridge classes: havobridge class, two-year havo/vwo class, atheneum bridge class, gymnasium bridge class and...
After this school year is over, we will be able to move into the new building. We are all anxiously waiting, but fortunately with enough...

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