
Rector/Administrator and Conctors
The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum is a general special school. Under the Good Governance Act, supervision and execution of administrative responsibility have been functionally separated since August 1, 2011. This means that the rector-director is the competent authority. The director is accountable to the supervisory board, which is also the director's employer. The rector-director is Mr. ing. R. (Rob) van Velthoven MSc. The school management is formed by:

  • Mr. ing. R.H.J.H. (Rob) van Velthoven MSc (rector/director);
  • Ms. K.M.J. (Katja) Storm (vice principal);
  • Ms. C.A.M. (Christel) Schoeren MSEN (vice principal).
  • Ms. Y.H.J. (Yvonne) van Zijl Med (conrector of internal organization).

Supervisory Board

  • Ms. A.M.Th.G. (Anne-Marijke) van Dijk-Colen (chair);
  • Mr. mr. H.P.J. (Harry) Berkvens bc;
  • Mr. R. (Ron) Matheusen;
  • Ms. M. (Miranda) Smits RA
  • Mr. R. (Robin) Verleisdonk;

Annual Report

Our achievements and ambitions

What results has the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum achieved in the past year? What are the ambitions for the near and further future? And what are the figures when it comes to students' results, progression and profile choices? Read it in our annual report.

Peer Administrative Visitation

In October 2024, the Collegiate Administrative Review took place. Our rector Rob van Velthoven has written a self-evaluation for this, which includes his learning questions for this visitation. Read here more about the outcome of this visitation.

Inspection survey (four-yearly).

At least once every four years, the Education Inspectorate examines every board in the Netherlands. On December 8 and 15, 2023, the four-yearly investigation was conducted at the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum. This investigated whether the management by the board on the quality of education at the school is in order, whether there is sound financial management and how this contributes to the core functions of education.

Rating by the Education Inspectorate

We rate the quality of the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum's management, quality assurance and ambition as Good.

Statutes and regulations

The rules, guidelines and agreements for students and staff at our high school in Eindhoven are laid down in statutes and regulations.


The LCL is a ''public benefit corporation'' (ANBI). According to tax regulations, we therefore disclose various data here (see here).