Purple (free) day

One day a year we pay (extra) attention to sexual diversity within our school. We did this for the first time in 2019 and is now a tradition. Purple Friday is a day on which pupils and students, by wearing the color purple at school, can show their solidarity with homosexuals, bisexuals, lesbians and transgenders. In the Netherlands, the day has been held on the second Friday of December every year since 2010. Purple Friday originated after the example of Spirit Day in the United States, which first took place earlier in 2010 as an expression against bullying of LGTBQI youth.

What are we doing this day?

First of all, we wear purple! By wearing purple, you show that you are tolerant and respectful of everyone. You show that you don't care what anyone's sexuality, gender identity and gender expression is. You celebrate with us and many other schools in the Netherlands that being yourself is a celebration. For those who don't have purple hanging in their closet: don't worry, rainbow colors are a good alternative and otherwise there are purple ribbons as well.

As a kick-off to the day, the rainbow flag will be raised at 8:15 together with the students involved in the organization. This will take place in front of the L building.

You are, of course, encouraged to bring out purple in other ways to express your solidarity. Think purple nail polish, hair spray, or lipstick. All teachers are also asked to pay extra attention to this important issue during their classes. They will all do this in their own way.