Sports Interlyceal

Interlyceales are the annual competitions between the four oldest Dutch lyceums on a general basis: the Amsterdam Lyceum from Amsterdam, the Baarnsch Lyceum from Baarn, the Kennemer Lyceum from Overveen and, of course, the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum from Eindhoven. These competitions have been held annually since 1938 and have been split into two separate events since 1959: the Sport Interlyceale (S.I.) and the Artistic Interlyceale (A.I.).

The four lyceums believe that sports and culture contribute to overall development, which is why they created the interlyceals, in which all schools compete for the coveted first place. About 400 students participate in each interlyceal, making it one of the largest annual events.

Sports Interlyceal

The Sport Interlyceale is the sports event of the year at our school. An event that is unique in the region and in which only we as an Eindhoven high school participate. We explain below exactly what the Sport Interlyceale entails.

During the Sport Interlyceale, we will compete athletically with three other Lyceums around the country. On the program are all kinds of different sports, from athletics to dodgeball. Of course, common sports on the program include soccer, field hockey and volleyball. The event takes place every year at one of the participating schools. So once every four years we are the host and the other years we leave (usually very early) for Amsterdam, Baarn or Overveen. Once arrived, each team will compete for the honor of his or her school. There are about 800 participants and all around you see nothing but sports, sports and more sports.

An important part of the Sports Interlyceal is making friendships. Indeed, over the years you will get to know the athletes from the other schools and make contacts that may last a lifetime. In fact, outside of the games, you will also have dinner with the opposing team and you are sure to run into them on the dance floor of the closing party. The Sport Interlyceale is therefore not just a field day, but an event that will stay with you for the rest of your life. By far the most fun day of the year!