An Eindhoven school of education

In the heart of Eindhoven, hidden among the greenery, you will find a special place for secondary education: the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum. This is one of the schools in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, that offers more than just havo, atheneum, and gymnasium courses; it is a home base for young people who want to discover their place in the world. What makes our Eindhoven school of education unique is its small scale and personal attention to each student. With us, you are not an ordinary student, but an individual with your own dreams and ambitions. From August 2024, we will step into a new era with modern new buildings that bring together our rich history and rock-solid educational concepts in an inspiring environment.

Lorentz Casimir Lyceum - children playing chess

A safe haven for all

Safety and being able to be yourself are of paramount importance to us. The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum is not just another school; it is a community where everyone knows and values each other. We strongly believe in the power of diversity and inclusiveness. Our promise is not only a diploma with subject matter knowledge and skills but also a sense of social commitment and responsibility. Our students are ready for the world, with an inquiring mind and a heart full of interest in others.

Growth and development central

At the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum, everything is about growth and development. We offer time and space to discover who you are and what you want to become. Our challenges stimulate your inquiring mind and encourage you to look beyond the classroom. It is this approach that sets us apart from other schools in Eindhoven and the rest of the Netherlands. With our unique green location as a backdrop, we offer an inspiring environment where you learn not only about the world, but also about yourself. Choosing our Eindhoven school of education means choosing a place where your talents are recognized and where you get the space to develop them further.

The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum is open to the world and invites you to become part of our special community. Are you ready to discover and walk your own unique path? Then this is the place for you.

Yes, with a havo diploma from the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum, you are excellently prepared to start an advanced education right away. You have the necessary subject knowledge and skills, and you have learned to take responsibility and make choices.
Our school is distinguished by small-scale education in a unique green environment, where safety and the opportunity to be yourself are paramount. In addition, as of August 2024, we offer modern new building facilities, combined with a rich history and rock-solid educational concepts that stimulate your inquiring mind.
Safety is one of our core values. We provide an environment where everyone feels respected and valued. We achieve this through clear rules and guidelines, a strong sense of community and open dialogue between students, teachers and parents.
Yes, we offer a variety of programs and initiatives to support students seeking more challenge. These range from in-depth projects and research opportunities to extracurricular activities that stimulate your inquiring mind and creativity.
With our degree in hand, you not only have in-depth subject matter knowledge and skills, but you are also prepared to make responsible choices and take responsibility in both your personal and professional life. Our students develop civic engagement and are ready to make a positive contribution to the world.