First Lego League (FLL) / First Tech Challenge (FTC) / Drone Cup

Updated on: October 3, 2024

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FLL: The First Lego League is a competition that challenges young people between the ages of 9 and 15 to explore the social role of engineering and technology. Several undergraduate groups develop a robot. Lego materials are used as the basis. The groups compete in a school final; the best two teams advance to the regional competition with their homemade robot and innovation project. In 2024, we even got to participate in the national finals.

FTC: The First Tech Challenge is an annual, international robot competition. Students work together in teams of up to 15 people. They design, build and program a robot that must be both controlled and able to move autonomously. With their robot, they launch a competition and compete for prizes for creativity, collaboration, execution and performance. In both 2020 and 2021, students from our school placed first in the Netherlands. In 2022 and 2023, our students were able to represent the Netherlands at the world finals in the United States.

Drone Cup: drones are part of the future, and drones are a wonderful entry point to look at technology and applications of technology with students. In various assignments, students learn all about drone technology, and get to race drones, encountering various obstacles. In 2021, students from our school won the finals.