Broad educational offerings for all

Updated on: August 15, 2023

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We live in a rapidly changing society that demands the development of new skills such as innovative thinking, creativity, flexibility, the ability to cooperate and communicate, presenting yourself in writing and orally, et cetera. The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum wants to contribute to these competence requirements for the future and has developed a broad package of educational activities to this end.

Consequently, since June 2015, the school has joined the Brainport Schools partnership. The Brainport Schools in the region distinguish themselves by their special attention to the following themes in their education: 21st-century skills, innovative learning, collaboration, high tech, entrepreneurship, design and development, ict and media, internationalization, relationship with the environment (Brainport region) and sustainability.

As a Brainport School, the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum presents itself with several special educational activities.


Quest is the name we have given to an entirely unique form of education in which students learn to collaborate, research, present and evaluate.

Students in grades 1 through 3 work in groups on various Quest projects for each grade. The projects start from a current or relevant issue and are cross-curricular. They are developed and taught by our own team of Quest teachers. This makes Quest a 100% LCL-owned form of education of which we are very proud. Starting point
for each project is a challenging, multidisciplinary assignment that the groups try to complete successfully. Part of a project can be a field trip, a guest lesson or a workshop by an external expert. During the project, attention is paid to the process of brainstorming, deliberation and planning.

Each project concludes with a final presentation Parents and other interested parties may be invited to attend. It is a great moment to see your son or daughter among fellow students, under the guidance of the Quest subject teacher and the mentor.


Some examples of past Quest projects:


THIS IS ME! (bridge class)
The first project for bridge class students is not only an introduction to Quest but more importantly to classmates. The assignment in this project is to create a website about yourself and your group members. You will visit a classmate and make a vlog about a hobby, a special gift or achievement. You will receive an interviewing workshop from a professional newsreader. You will present your website to classmates and a quiz will then test your knowledge about each other.

AND... ACTION!" (second grade)
Like real advertisers, you are going to make a promo film for a company or institution. Of course, first you have to think about the target audience, what you are going to film and who you are going to speak to in the company. And then you will visit the company equipped with camera and recorder. From a professional advertiser you will learn how best to edit a promo, what works and what doesn't work. Image and sound: everything has to be right but also captivating and convincing. On the presentation evening the film is shown to parents and the company.

Design and 3Design

In the lower grades, the subjects handicrafts and technology have been merged into the new subject 3Design. Students learn the basic techniques from the aforementioned subjects and develop new products based on them. In the upper school we have transformed the subject Cultural and Artistic Education into the subject 'design'. We want to achieve that students are less consumptive with culture but work creatively and innovatively on the design of art, cultural and design products.


Our society has long since ceased to be limited to national borders, which is why we believe it is important to prepare students to learn, work and live in another country, or to function within an international context at home. The school offers numerous activities to expand horizons. These begin as early as the bridge class, with an exchange with a school in Kempen that we hope to revive this year. With some regularity, groups of students go to Bayeux with the history section. Several groups go on day trips, including, for example, the language trips to Lille and Cologne. Year 4 goes to Namur with the French section. For all students in havo 4 and vwo 5 there are trips abroad in a travel week in spring. These lead to important European cities such as Kraków, Barcelona, Berlin, or Florence. Each trip is linked to a specific theme, such as art and culture or diplomacy. There is also a sporting trip to the French Ardennes.

For these trips we ask for a (voluntary) contribution so that the trips cover costs. In order for trips to go ahead, it is essential that the vast majority of parents pay this voluntary contribution. The LCL believes it is important that all students are able to participate in the trips. If the cost of the trips is an insurmountable problem, please contact the Rector to discuss options. Students will not be excluded from participating in a trip abroad. In the exceptional case that sufficient contributions have not been raised, the school may decide not to allow the trip to take place.

Due to corona, some internationalization activities may not be able to take place. Should this be the case, we will inform you as soon as possible.

4 Extra attention to language and math

Increasingly, concern is being expressed around the country about the language and math skills of our students. The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum is making efforts to bring these skills up to standard. In grade 1 there is an extra lesson in math and Dutch (one extra lesson per subject per week for six months). Within the subject of mathematics, elementary school math skills in particular are brought up to standard and maintained, later in conjunction with the subjects of physics and economics. During the year we monitor the improvement of the level with validated tests. Students from havo 4 without math in their curriculum receive an extra hour of math on the class schedule for a year.

For foreign-language students, there is the Language Support Group for the lower grades. They can take one extra Dutch lesson per week. For the upper grades there is also a Language Support group. Because all exams are becoming more linguistic, students who have difficulty understanding questions and more complex texts have the option of following one extra Dutch lesson a week, in which they work on expanding their vocabulary and correctly interpreting texts and questions.


In our gymnasium bridge classes, students are introduced to the classical languages and the ideas and culture of the Romans and Greeks. Knowledge of our classical culture provides a keen insight into the here and now and gives students a very broad and solid foundation in their overall development. Translating from Latin and Greek develops their analytical and creative abilities; this strengthens the understanding and learning of other languages and also helps in solving difficult problems in other (including science) subjects. Gymnasium takes you into the mythology, art, architecture, drama, history and philosophy of the Greeks and Romans, teaching students to see the world around them in perspective. In our eyes, the classical languages are alive and well!

Training in academic skills

Students from vwo 5, with an M-profile, will receive extra training in developing academic skills. Radboud University Nijmegen provides a program including a lecture by a scientist and speed dates with students from different studies. Through this program, students are better able to draw up a research plan that can be used as a basis for the profile paper.