Externally validated tests

Updated on: August 16, 2023

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Cito Measurements

Cito measurements 0 and 1 are taken in the bridge class. Cito measurement 0 is taken shortly after the autumn vacations. In it we test what knowledge the students have in the areas of Dutch, English and math. If it appears that there are gaps, support lessons are offered.

Before the May break, Cito measurement 1 will be taken. This will include the math section. Then we will see if the students have sufficiently mastered the material offered in the bridge class.

In the second grade, Cito measurement 2 is conducted in the February/March period. This measures knowledge and skill in the core subjects: Dutch, English and mathematics/math. After each measurement the parents receive the report. The individual and group reports also go to the subject teachers of the core subjects and the mentors.