Teaching time

Updated on: September 18, 2023

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Since the 2015-2016 school year, teaching time for secondary education has applied to each course. The school sets its own timetable. These are the standard hours for secondary education:

  • havo (5 years): 4,700 hours;
  • vwo (6 years): 5,700 hours.

'Teaching time' means guided instruction that is part of the curriculum planned by the school and compulsory for all students. Furthermore, the activity must be carried out under the responsibility of a teacher competent to do so. The school's policy is to give students as many lessons as possible with a teacher in the classroom. So real contact hours.

The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum has programmed 32 to 34 weekly classes for all students in the junior year. The lessons that are dropped due to a teacher's illness or school activities are called Z hours. In addition, in the bridge class, one hour is scheduled for an Auxiliary Lesson or Remedial Teaching.

In the upper school we schedule 1,000 clock hours of education for students. Final exam students only need to receive 700 clock hours of education in their final year due to the central exams beginning in May.